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2012年10月1日 星期一

Who are we?

He, was called Lau Bak(means Old Uncle Lau in Cantonese) since he was in primary school, this nickname become his major "call-sign". Day-dreamer, photography freaks, petrol head, natural lover, seriously bitten by the Travel Bug.

She, Kathy, married to LB and infected his Travel Bug (probably she was the one bring him the bug!). Day-dreamer and natural lover as well.

In short, just another ordinary couple.

Having work for 10 years, on our 2nd anniversary day we decided to escaped from the rat race, and hit the road with a shoestring budget, seeking a new way of seeing things.

Having no plan and no schedule, this going to be a story of two ordinary travelers and their unexpected journey. We share our joy and pain on the road at this travelogue.

Pls stay tune for our latest update and leave us comments. And it's more than welcome if you can share your suggestion for our trip!

