起來時打開窗簾, 天色絕美; 陽光普照氣溫和暖, 似乎上天還很眷顧我倆。早上從花店送來了我們精心細選的花球, 真的很美。Wedding planner安排好的髮型師和化妝師也準時來到酒店替新婚化好妝。
沿著最多遊客的Karlova Street走到Old Town Hall只消幾分鐘路程, 我們早幾天幾乎把這段路踏遍了, 但今天走出去的感覺完全不一樣, 身旁的人好像發現了捷克新景點一樣, 都在向我們拍照, 有些則拍手祝賀我們。有點不習慣, 但我們真的覺得好幸福。
我們的攝影師Kurt Vinion, 後面的遊客也發現了天文鐘以外的新景點。
我們Wedding Planner的助手Monika走進舊市政廳的結婚禮堂, 我們站在門外等親友們先行內進, 老婆緊緊的握著我心臂, 她一定緊張得要命。我還故作冷靜的說要鎮定點, 忽然禮堂響起管風琴, 演奏著我們自己挑選的Wedding March-結婚進行曲, 我真的馬上起雞皮疙瘩, 亂得心如鹿撞。
一步一步的走向前, 在掌聲中接受了親友的祝福, 婚姻註冊官員向我們說過了誓詞, 大意是這樣的:
"Dear Bride, dear Groom,
First of all, I wish to welcome you at this very special occasion in this recently refurbished beautiful historical building: in the prestigious Old Town City Hall of Prague. This very memorable and special moment is much more than a happy but fleeting episode. It is a landmark, a cross-road at which two separate ways become one.
A happy marriage is born out from mutual trust, understanding, tolerance and respect for each other. The stronger the marital union, the less difficult it is to overcome any worries and concerns. And even in times of trouble, please remember the words of ancient wisdom: “The soul of a person, his/her faith and his/her hope can reach so many things, but only true love is invincible.”
The success or the failure of a marriage depends solely on the two partners’ ability to share. The harmony of a family is based not on great expectations, illusions and futile dreams, but on such values, as patience and unity. All the wonderful and good things that come out of the family usually come back to the family later again. And this knowledge should be reflected in your important resolutions made in this very moment when the foundation stone of a new family is being laid at the wedding ceremony.
May you always have, dear Bride and dear Groom, the strength to find and discover all about the happiness to be found in the relationship between man and woman: healthy flexibility, a fair measure of selflessness, humility and the ability to forgive.
The famous Spanish writer, Ortegay Gaset, had the following point: “In a Good Marriage” he wrote: one partner requires from the other one only very little, but in a beautiful marriage, we give it all and we get it all“. "
問到我們是否願意娶/嫁對方為夫婦, 之後就如我們看電視劇的對白一樣...
"YES I DO."我肯定的說。
"YES I DO."她也明確的說。
"In the light of the fact that you have met all the requirements under the Czech law, I declare you officially husband and wife.
May this wedding ceremony solemnized in the very heart of Europe remain forever recorded in your hearts."
交換介指, 簽下一紙証書, First kiss as a couple, 禮成。短短的二十分鐘凝住了我倆八年來的感情, 就在今天我們正式成為夫妻, 一起在這個起點走進人生的另一階段。
下午二時正, 天文鐘剛敲打出了幸福的鐘聲, 我們推開了Old Town Hall的大門走出去, 剛看完天文鐘正時表演的數百名遊客都替我們歡呼拍手, 我想這一幕情景我一輩子也不能忘記。
隨後我們乘坐wedding planner安排好的結婚花車離開, 接下來就是拍結婚相的時候了。你看得出我們到了哪些地方嗎?